Singing Guide: GENTRI feat. Rob Landes

Singing Guide: GENTRI feat. Rob Landes

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

GENTRI is a pop music-style vocal group made up of three tenors. Their sound is a blend of classical techniques with modern pop beats. They are known for their harmonies, and particularly for their use of the "three-voice technique," which features a top, middle, and bottom harmony consistently throughout their songs.

The perfect starting point for learning the GENTRI technique is their medley of classic Disney songs, which showcases each tenor’s range and vocal control. For those looking to improve their pitch and range, Singing Carrots offers excellent vocal training resources. The Vocal Range Test will help you determine your range compared to famous male singers like GENTRI’s Casey Elliott, Brad Robins, and Bradley Quinn Lever.

Improving your breath control is also essential for mastering the GENTRI style. Singing Carrots’ article on breath support gives clear, useful advice on how to breathe effectively while singing. Warm-up drills like the Farinelli Breathing exercise can be highly beneficial for singers.

One of GENTRI’s most unique techniques is their use of vocables, which are sounds that mimic specific instruments. To learn this technique, Singing Carrots' article on articulation offers techniques for creating distinct, crisp, and clear articulation. It also has exercise videos, such as the "Finger Bite" exercise.

Incorporating emotion into your singing is critical for singing like GENTRI. The "Relaxing Breath" exercise can help improve your emotional control while singing, giving you better command over your vocal delivery.

Whether you’re a seasoned singer or just starting, incorporating the GENTRI method into your vocals will help you develop a unique pop/classical fusion sound. Using Singing Carrots’ resources, you can improve your range, breath control, articulation, and emotional delivery, allowing you to tackle GENTRI's unique vocal techniques confidently.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.